Everybody Can Be Great…because…

Hello Friends! 

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of Grace.  A soul generated by love.” –Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As life continues to “return to normal” more people are looking to return to actively being involved in the community. I share the opportunity to volunteering with The Mentoring Network all of the time.  One of the things I hear often is “that sounds amazing, but I am not sure I am qualified to be a mentor”.  When I read the quote above from Dr. King I thought it was a perfect description of our mentors!

The most common feedback we get from our mentees is not about what they learn from their mentor, or how smart their mentor is.  Instead, they share that their mentor is consistent in showing up, they are nice, they listen, and they care about me.  One of the main responses we get…I trust my mentor; they are my best friend.

I share this with you because like our mentees trust their mentors, we trust you!  You are the spokespeople we need to spread the value of The Mentoring Network, the value for the mentee, the mentor, and the community.

Friends, until every child has a mentor, we will continue to have a need to grow The Mentoring Network.  With the growth in the valley over the last few years the need is greater than ever!  As you visit with your friends and family, please share what we do…share what YOU do!  Let them know why you think they would love to be a part of this program.

Who do you know that has a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love, and the willingness to give a child 1/168 hours in their week?   Introduce them to our website or have them give us a call (208.880.1 690)! They can learn about the different ways they can be involved.  We would love to hear from them, and I guarantee you, there is a child waiting to meet their new mentor and best friend!

Thank you for all you do!

Marci Silva
Board Chair
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives