I can’t even imagine…

The little girl with sad eyes was there again.

It seemed to the officer that every time a visit to the house was needed—and they were often needed—that she was the officer close enough to make the call.

At each visit, she noticed the shy, little girl with the sad eyes. 

This happened so often that the officer started to wonder if this might be happening for a greater purpose. She’d mentored before and wondered if perhaps she could mentor this child. She reached out to us and together we were eventually able to find the school the child attended and get permission for her to have a mentor.  This spring, eleven years later, the little girl graduated early from high school. When her mentor, the same officer who had noticed her so many years ago, asked how she thought her life was different because of their relationship the mature, no longer shy young lady’s joy-filled eyes welled up with tears.

 “I think my life has been a lot different because I’ve had someone who’s been there for me and I’ve had someone I could always go to when things get rough. I have a shoulder I can cry on. I have someone who’s giving me advice and telling me things that can help me in life and guiding me through these hard times. I think it’s very good and I don’t know how my life would be different if I didn’t meet her. I can’t even imagine.”

Your gifts of time and money help us pass hope along to the children. We hear such wonderful stories of relationship and community building. Thank you for your gifts. You are creating a connection as you mentor and as you support us in finding that one adult to be there for a child.

You are making a difference, one hour at a time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives