
December is a time for joy, celebration, appreciation, reminiscing and making memories!

I remember, as a child, our family would all celebrate Christmas at my grandparent’s house.  I would watch out their front window, as my great grandparents-the world’s slowest drivers-would top the hill, and then proceed toward us at a snail’s pace.  When they finally arrived the fun began!  Memories of grandpa’s peanut brittle, grandma’s fresh rolls, laughter, playing games, and sitting around the piano singing Christmas carols are what flood my mind.

In Parma we had a huge tree that all of the school children would make ornaments for, and each year we watched in awe as the firemen placed our decorations on the tree.  I loved showing my parents my exact ornament hanging 40 plus feet in the air.  We had school music programs, there were always parts to learn for our church Christmas play, and we made sure to carol at the nursing home.  We baked cookies and treats for friends and neighbors.  My brother and I always helped decorate the tree, and each year our parents gifted us a new ornament, which still bring much joy every time I see them. Over Christmas break we built snowmen, went sledding, had snowball fights, and then when we were surely approaching frostbite we finally went inside to sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate.

We always had plenty of gifts, but in all honesty, that isn’t something that stands out in my mind. As a child I am sure I thought the gifts mattered, and yet, my happiest memories are about the time I was gifted.  The laughter we shared.  The love I was given.  The joy we created.

What memories do you treasure?

For many of our mentees the answer they will give, years from now, is my mentor brought me joy, friendship, love, and was someone I created some of my happiest memories with.  What a beautiful gift.  

All of us at The Mentoring Network want to thank you for the wonderful memories you create for our kids! 

Mentors-Thank you for the time you invest, the love and patience you give, the guidance and advice you share.  Thank you for being a friend.  You are what The Mentoring Network is all about.

Sponsors-Thank you for believing in what we do, it would not be possible without your support.  You are creating positive change for a child, and strengthening our communities.

Friends-Thank you for sharing our story.  You bring us new mentors and sponsors.  You raise awareness.  We so appreciate you.

One last thing-There is nothing better than the smile and sparkle in a child’s eye because they see their best friend walking down the hall to meet them!  That is a memory we can all treasure.

Ponder these things.

Happy Holidays, friends!

Marci Silva
Board Chair
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives

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