Have you ever been somewhere and seen a little child smiling, waving and saying “Hi” to everyone they see? Often times I am so enthralled with the little one I forget to appreciate what is happening around me. Every person that child connects with is left with a genuine smile! Have you ever stopped to think about how powerful that is? They are changing the world around them, just by being themselves.
Earlier this week I attended a mental health event. The keynote speaker shared how her life changed when she learned to play. You see, as a child she was forced to grow up quickly. One day her boyfriend told her they were going to play hide-and-seek, after refusing and thinking the idea was utterly ridiculous, he finally persuaded her to give it a try. She smiled, she giggled, she laughed, her heart was filled with joy.
Monday I was on a conference call at work. Near the end of the call my boss mentioned that he had tried skipping with his child over the weekend. He didn’t remember how! He knew what it should look like, but it had been so long since he tried, he had to remaster the coordination. I thought this was pretty funny-until I tried skipping too!
Our world is often filled with stress and anxiety. There are so many things going on; work, family, finances, all of the adult responsibilities. It can be exhausting and feel overwhelming.
As we begin our 25th year at the Mentoring Network, I am grateful for the many examples kids set for us!
As adults, smiling and saying a simple “Hello” to every individual we pass may not be a show stopper, but, it will make those around you smile, and you will feel pretty great doing it! And when was the last time you took time to play? Like, really play! Look at the joy it brings kids-we should all want some of that!
This summer I challenge you to make time to think about some of the things we can learn from children. Walk down the street, smile, wave and say “hello”. I challenge you to find time to play! Try skipping! Find joy in the beauty and simpleness around you…pick a dandelion, lay in the backyard and gaze at the clouds or stars, get some sidewalk chalk, try the slide or swing at the park…the possibilities are endless! Take time to give the gift of joy. Take time to find joy. Giggle, laugh and play! Have a fun and memorable July, my friends!
— Marci Silva Board Chair
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives