Day camp for our kids is always magical and this year was no exception.
Thanks to a generous donor and the in-kind support of Treasure Valley Transit, our kids were able to visit Bogus Basin and enjoy their summer activities: hiking through wildflowers, riding the mountain roller coaster, traveling up the ski lift, bungee jumping, dry sledding, and more. The consensus was that it was a wonderful day.
“The fun day at Bogus was a break through for us. Having fun together instead of facing one tough issue week after week was a whole new experience. My mentee began to open up and talk to me in a more fluid manner.” Consistently mentor and mentee mentioned the quality time they were able to spend together. After Bogus, we visited a local private pool for an afternoon of swimming and more fellowship. That we are able to do this each year is due to the kind generosity of our donor and community members. It really is a life changing experience.
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives