As a society we take so much for granted. An example?
The modern pocket!
It was not until the 17th century that the modern pocket was first added to clothing. What would we do without it? As a child we filled our pockets with treasures, the perfect rock or stick we found, lunch money, a favorite snack. As adults, where would we carry our keys, phone, chapstick, and all of the items we want easy access to? Pockets are important!
I don’t believe that when the pocket was first invented the creator ever imagined that what fills our pockets, can also fill our souls, and yet a mentor shared the following story of how a pocket of positivity is changing the perspective for a child:
He has been doing really well with mentoring. We enjoy each other’s company and I think he has gotten much better at communicating with me. We enjoy coloring, painting, hanging out, working on Legos, and we usually have a snack together because it is during my lunch hour. I really feel like the mentoring program has been a great positive influence on him.
I just wanted him to start thinking about the happy things in his day. I wanted to flip the script on “I can’ts” or “I don’t have to” to what makes him smile or happy.
He gets to choose one or two positives from that day or even the week or weekend.
I just get a sticky note and write a line down it.
I write my name on one side and his name on the other side.
As we are doing our activity or talking I will bring up positives and ask him what his positives are. He usually says “I don’t know.” so I say, “OK, let’s have some think time”. I ask him if he wants to go first or would like me to go. He usually has me go first.
I tell him about one positive I have had: Sometimes it’s about him and me, sometimes it’s about my home life, sometimes it’s about me and my class or my teammate. I try and mix it up so he can get a variety of things that can make someone happy and positive.
About half way through our time together, I have him pause and I say, “OK, tell me ONE thing that has made you smile and or happy or smile on the inside, that is a positive.
Sometimes he tells me things like, “I got to sleep in this weekend,” or “I played my favorite video game.” He now has started telling me things like, “I did well on this,” or “I played with this friend,” and he even has told me just wearing our bracelets when we hang out or us hanging out is his positive for that week. I write down 1 or 2 of my positives on my side and write down 1 or 2 positives he tells me on his side.
We then usually high five or do a little dance and I fold up the note he puts it in his pocket and I remind him, “Whenever you are not sure or feeling a little low, tap your pocket and remember our positives.”
I cannot end our newsletter with anything better than that last paragraph! When life gets a little hectic, write down your positives, do a little dance, and fill your pocket with what really matters. When you give it a little tap, remember your positives, and your full pocket will also fill your heart!
— Marci Silva, Board Chair
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives