

This morning I was reading a daily devotional and was saddened to read some of the statistics that were shared.  I learned that the number of Americans that state they have no friends has quadrupled since 1990, and in one country elderly have resorted to committing crimes in order to go to jail, where they will have companionship!  Can you imagine?  It went on to share that entrepreneurs created a rent-a-friend business that allows you to rent a companion by the hour.  This “friend” will accompany you on activities of your choosing, getting coffee or attending a party are common choices.  The average client is in their 30’s or 40’s and work so much they don’t have time to socialize.


I cannot imagine feeling so desperate for companionship that I would commit a crime, or being so busy that I can’t spare a few minutes to build a genuine friendship.  Reading this left me thinking of just how important human connections are.  Not only are they essential to individuals, they are a necessary element in achieving success in our communities.

How fortunate are we to be part of an amazing organization that truly understands the importance of relationships!?  In recent months I have shared quotes of children stating that their mentor is their best friend.  That is powerful.  Equally important, but not typically recognized by the mentee, they not only have a friend, they are learning how to BE a friend!  These valuable life skills are something our kids will carry with them for the rest of their lives, what a gift one hour a week is.

The Mentoring Network is approaching our 25th anniversary.  Over the next several months we will be sharing updates, impacts, and celebrating the beautiful differences that all of you who support this program make.  One of the many ways we want to celebrate is by growing the number of mentors we have.  Let’s put a stop to individuals stating they are friendless!  Who do you know that could be a friend to a child?  Send them our way!  Together we can and will continue to enrich the lives of children by teaching them how valuable genuine relationships are!    

— Marci Silva Board Chair
The Mentoring Network Inc.
One hour, once a week, transforms lives